The Perfect Storm

the perfect storm

My Family

With some help from my hubby, today is the perfect day to introduce my own personnel insane asylum inmates that are my family. The others that share my house hold today created the perfect storm; a storm that I am still unsure any of little sanity I have left remains.

My Husband, who I will call the Crazy Patriarch (or just CP for short) has the innate ability to one moment melt my heart and then within seconds make me want to complete a mortal combat finishing move on him. My son, who I will call minion, is still a toddler; a toddler with the current fascination with throwing and hitting me with almost anything within his reach. Then we have face bitter the dog; named mostly due to his habit of always showing his love by biting me on the face. Finally we have Cloak and Dagger the cats; named this mostly due to their ability to only come out of hiding to beg for food, water, or to sit on my face for attention while I am trying to sleep.
I love the fellow inmates that are my family I swear, but today I really, really, REALLY wish today was a ground hogs day plot. Not the Bill Murray ground hogs day though; more the Xena Warrior Princess version. If you don’t know how this goes, eventually, after dealing with the annoying comedic tag along shenanigans repeatedly, she finally one of the days just offs him and goes back to sleep. This is definitely how I feel right now. Hit the snooze button on this day, go back to sleep and start again maybe feeling less homicidal to my family.
Tonight, CP, after melting my heart by buying me a few gifts, mowing the lawn, and taking care of minion for me while I played with one of his gifts decides to hit the crazy button and leave me with minion who was pushing both of us to the point of breaking. Minion, in his toddler mind, decided it was the perfect time to be total chaos incarnate. CP, right after I asked him to make some food up for us, decides it was the perfect time to announce it was time to workout and go for a run. Fine, he doesn’t want to make food, but I will be damned if I don’t take advantage of him trying to escape by throwing minion at him. So I tell him to take minion on the run with him in the stroller, which, melting moment, he agreed and smiled about it. OMG, angels must be singing above me and smiling upon me at this moment. Minion is also ecstatic about going for a run… This is going great, I start day dreaming of the perfect shower I am about to take while CP and minion are gone. Even face bitter was calmly laying down at my feet showing no signs of the crazy storm that was about to hit.
The shot heard round the world that started the storm that ruined my perfect shower time was the statement from CP. “Before I take minion with me, you need to change his diaper and put on shorts on him.” For the shower I desperately wanted I would have gift wrapped minion for CP at that moment. But, here is the problem, when minion hears the word “diaper”, the fight of flight part of his little brain kicks in. He will either run, which is his usual tactic, or go into crazy mode and start throwing and hitting anyone or thing near him. He decides to do both at the same time. The Tom and Jerry match that begin between CP and minion would have been amazing for youtube. But, just like in the cartoon where the poor dog gets dragged into the fray, I got dragged in as well. The dream of the shower started fading from my mind as CP begins to yell at minion and minion starts hitting CP and myself. It ended with CP calling off the father son bonding time and he started walking out the door. OH HELL NO am I missing my shower. It was time for this asylum to go on lock down so I could have my moment of peace. You could have heard a pin drop as the end of my crazy rant finishes. CP, decides maybe he will wait till I am done with my shower before he leaves, minion does what minion does and follows me with face bitter to wait for me outside the bathroom door.
Greatest 15 minute shower of my life. All it took was a crazy bomb of my own to snuff out the crazy that was going on in my house. CP got his workout, minion was minion and I am surprised he is still alive, and face bitter decided he needed to be chained up outside by doing what he does as CP was leaving. So here is to wishing for today to start again so I can just hit snooze and sleep through the crazy that I lived through today.

How To Procrastonate

How to Procrastinate:

-Wait until the last day to do what needs to be done.
-Sleep in late.
-Take several naps because you are going to need energy.
-Start your project.
-Take a break to gather your thoughts.
-Do a little more work.
-Take another break because you deserve it.
-Check the clock to find you still have a few hours which is plenty of time.
-Take a food break.
-Do something relaxing like read a book, play a video game, or check social media.
-Check the clock to see you have about an hour left.
-Finish project in a stress induced panic.
-If it is something that needs turned in do that at the very last minute.
-Whew you worked hard today so relax.


If you like this post please leave a comment and if there is a “How To” that you would like me to do list that in the comments as well.

My Hands

My toddler has been cranky the past few days.  He fights sleep because he doesn’t want to miss anything.  There has been a lot of dust in the air and he has been a little congested.  Yesterday I finally got him to fall asleep laying on me.  As much as I wanted to cuddle as those moments are getting fewer as he ages, I had things I needed to do.  So I carried him into the bedroom and put him in bed.  A few times I heard him cough and whimper a bit in his sleep.  During one coughing fit instead of just peaking in on him like I did the other times I went into the room. He started to cry and pointed to his belly. I asked him if his stomach hurt and he shook his head yes.  I asked if he needed a drink or something to eat he said no.  Then the coughing got a little rough and I knew it was coming. Throughout my parenting experience i have used my hands for many things. In this moment I did not want a mess in my bed.  I saw his facial expression change and out came some mucus which I quickly gathered in my cupped hands, right after came everything else he had in his stomach. When my hands were full, thinking I had avoided a huge mess, I went into the bathroom to get rid of the mess and wash my hands.  In the meantime though he continued to puke. I came out to him coughing then saying “EWW” then spitting up, then repeating this vicious cycle. He was saying eww because he had puked on his foot. He kept pointing to his foot saying “EWW”. I grabbed a towel and cleaned him off and the bed, held onto him and stripped the bed sheets. After a bit he finally calmed down and I got him to go back to sleep.  When he woke back up he was fine. Stupid phlegm anyway.  But yesterday was indeed a first for my hands.  They have never before been used to catch vomit or snot for that matter and I hope they will never have that job again.  The joys of parenthood. Always keeping me on my toes.


People make jokes about girls being bitchy on their periods.  Well, I totally am and freely admit it.  I get super moody.  On top of that awesome hormone induced bipolar like mood change I am weaning myself off of antidepressants. There are many words to be said about that process but that is for another post.  Let’s just say moodiness is one of the awesome symptoms that comes with that as well.  I feel for my family, I do.  They are walking on eggshells.  Adding on the fact that we currently have house guests, which are no problem and we enjoy having them, but 4 adults, a child, 2 dogs, and 3 cats in a very small 3 bedroom place becomes kind of claustrophobic.  The worst part is I can feel my anxiety rise, and I know I’m kind of being a jerk, but truly can’t control it try as I may.  It’s an inner demon that releases itself whenever it can and once it is out it is almost impossible to draw back in.  This is why I’m in the office, away from people, away from anything that can trigger a release of that demon.  My patience is thin and everything bugs me.  I’m assuming that is a woman thing in general but I could be wrong it might just be unique to me.  It’s just hard to be productive when all you want to do is scream.  Not that screaming helps especially since it usually gets targeted to an unsuspecting person who just looked at you wrong or just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  As if that isn’t rough enough then comes the guilt that you feel for lashing out even though you can’t control it, which makes you feel even worse.  Moods are a fickle thing after all, I just go through life hoping the happy days outnumber the grumpy ones.  Because the grumpy ones kinda suck.

chewbacca mask lady

So there is a video that went viral of a woman who bought a Chewbacca mask.  (see video  )   The pure joy she got from wearing the talking mask was such a nice moment.  Often it seems like we don’t have many of those moments. I feel like many of us have forgotten how to enjoy life. We are too busy working or trying to obtain more in order to be happy.  The only time I see this type of joy is watching my toddler.  He gets excited over the smallest things.  And that is how it should be.  I feel that we worry too much about what others will think or say so even if something would give us joy we don’t let it.  I challenge you and myself to try to find more joy in life.  Laugh at the small things and surround yourself with people and things that make you happy.  If the people and things around us don’t make us happy, why are we keeping them around? Go find your “chewbacca mask” and enjoy every moment of it.

a blog

In a society that has become too “politically correct” I enjoy the liberty that a blog allows.  A place to give my opinion and say whatever is on my mind. Sometimes I will write my opinions on a topic, sometimes I will just write my feelings.  Whatever happens to be on my mind at any given day. This blog is for me. It’s therapeutic. If you enjoy reading it well that is superb and I welcome you into my craziness. If you don’t enjoy it by all means move along because as I said I do this for me.  Stay true to yourself and your feelings my friends. Until we meet again.